25 years of making real change - Voice Ireland

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of photographing Voice Irelands 25 year Celebration at Blas Cafe, Dublin - The little Hippie inside of me was delighted!

I’ve always had a strong conscience of our over use of plastics and waste in general.. - I can bang on about my hate for cling wrap and plastic straws and true love for Pit Putty for days 😆 !!

SO I was in awe listening to the stories and their journey to this point - and plans to continue stronger into the future!

25 years of making changes to make our world better…

They were instrumental in bringing in Ireland Plastic Bag tax in 2002  -7 YEARS earlier than Australia! They’ve co-supported the Conscious Cup Campaign - reducing disposable coffee cups … Run Litter picking campaigns ..And SO much more since.. It is vital Charities like Voice educating and changing mindsets improving our world for future generations.

So A LOT to celebrate!!

Read more about the work they do and to support Voice Ireland




Your photos this Spring and Summer - The best time and place for your family photos in Ireland.


Photos at Home, the days you want to remember.